What is Log Book Servicing?

A log book service is a comprehensive service that examines your vehicle in the way the manufacturer intended. All safety checks, measures, and replacement service items are carried out in exact accordance with how the vehicle’s manufacturer designed it to be serviced. This means your car is maintained in the best possible condition.

Why Choose BRP Mechanic?

When you choose BRP Mechanic, you’re choosing quality, expertise, and reliability. Our team of experienced and skilled mechanics are trained to service any make and model of vehicle using the latest techniques and diagnostic equipment and are committed to providing top-quality service and advice.

We follow the manufacturer’s servicing schedule and specifications, ensuring your warranty stays intact while your vehicle gets the best care possible.

Keeping your Log Book Updated

After every service, we fill in the log book and stamp it, as a record of correct servicing. This can be particularly valuable if you decide to sell your vehicle, as it can preserve the resale value.

Book your Log Book Servicing Today!

Avoid the risk of expensive, premature and unnecessary car repairs by scheduling a log book service with BRP Mechanic today. Let us help you extend the life of your vehicle, improve its performance, and ensure its safety